Whether it’s your money or the number of years you’ve lived, sometimes it feels good to stop counting.
Orès is supporting Auchan in a new campaign dedicated to its pro-pleasure, anti-inflationsolutions. Film
Category: TV campaignFilm
Orès is supporting Auchan in a new campaign dedicated to its pro-pleasure, anti-inflation solutions.
Let yourself be tempted, count, recount and finally relax…
French people are constantly making choices about what to buy, often sacrificing pleasure.
Convinced that indulging yourself means being able to buy what you want and not just what you can, Auchan is back with Orès in a new initiative to highlight its pro-pleasure, anti-inflation solutions for the day-to-day lives of French people.
The film plunges us into the final preparations for a big family party to mark the 93rd birthday of the grandfather, the oldest member of the family. Two packs of paper napkins, 600 grams of cherries, 12 fresh eggs… The whole family is doing the sums and the shopping list keeps getting longer for the grandson in charge of the errands.
But, thanks to Auchan, there’s no longer any need to count in the moments that really count, so the grandson goes home with a nice surprise and some change in return. The film ends poetically with the arrival of the birthday cake before the tender gaze of the grandfather, who has also decided to stop counting…