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Aquaman x Coral Gardeners

  With the support of superhero star Jason Momoa and Warner Bros, Coral Gardeners and creative agency Orès reimagine the Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom trailer to increase awareness about coral bleaching and raise funds for coral reef restoration. The ocean has already lost as much as 50% of its coral reefs, an ecological disaster […]

Category: FilmSocial MediaDigital


    With the support of superhero star Jason Momoa and Warner Bros, Coral Gardeners and creative agency Orès reimagine the Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom trailer to increase awareness about coral bleaching and raise funds for coral reef restoration.

    The ocean has already lost as much as 50% of its coral reefs, an ecological disaster visible to the naked eye
    due to a bleaching phenomenon that is leading to their extinction.This is an alarming fact as these natural wonders are essential to life underwater and on land. Coral Gardeners, an organization dedicated to restoring coral reefs, has called on the French advertising agency Orès to come up with a unique activation campaign to raise awareness about this issue.

    On the occasion of the “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom” movie release, Orès has crafted a hard- hitting alternative trailer illustrating the devastating fate of corals which lose their life and color due to climate change. Entitled «The Lost Colors » this groundbreaking and engaging campaign invites Aquaman fans to give the ocean back its color by supporting Coral Gardeners via an innovative website thelostcolors.org

    « With a mission to revolutionize ocean conservation and create a global movement to save the world’s coral “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom,” as Aquaman is literally the ocean SuperHero with the power to rally audiences to our mission. Jason Momoa has been a longtime supporter of ocean conservation and a wonderful ambassador of our project. » explains Titouan Bernicot, Founder & CEO of Coral Gardeners.

    This commitment to marine conservation and a desire to bring awareness to a mainstream cinema audience is shared by the French agency : « We’re extremely proud to support Coral Gardeners in its major communications initiatives such as this one. It’s high time to raise public awareness about this cause, and we’re putting all our energy and expertise into this project » explains Thomas Bevilacqua, founder of Orès and currently on a mission with Coral Gardeners in Tahiti.


    Coral Gardeners

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